Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Wintery Day.....

It started slowly on December 14

Then got heavier as time passed.

As it got deeper it began to slide off the metal roof.
It sure makes a lot of noise when this happens!

Around 8:00 AM on Monday this is what we had (13.5 Inches)
on the ground and it was still coming down all day long!

Try driving that one out of here...
up the steep driveway. I don't think so.

This is a view of our garage taken from the end of the house.

This is a view of the end of the house taken
from in front of the garage.
You can see the depth is up almost to the bottom
the the fence rail. By that evening we had gotten
about six more inches.

This one, taken on Tuesday morning,
reminds me of new life.
There's always hope when the sun shines again.

Not quite enough light in the right places to
make a good picture but shows the sun is shining.

After a lot of snow-blowing and digging
we were able to get the vehicles out on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 18, it's snowing again
but not as wet and much less snow to show
for a whole day of snow showers.

No, I did not make a snowman!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

96 on November 23!

Gordon Blay, born November 23, 1912,
celebrated his 96th birthday with family and friends on
Sunday November 23, 2008 at Home Town Buffet in Redding

Gloria and Lee Lopez

Bob and Mindy Whitman

The whole group that attended.
Thanks, Kami, for taking this picture!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Bazaar That Wasn't Bizarre!

In early November each year we have the community Bazaar in Shasta Lake.
All the church groups and non-profit groups, like the community library
and garden club, in the area are invited to participate.
St. Michael's Catholic Women, United Methodist Women
and Assembly of God Women's Ministries are all active participants.
This year it was held on November 8 at the Senior Center.

Here are a few of the items I made for the bazaar this year.
Our Women's Ministries group uses the money for missions projects
and our operating budget for the coming year.

These are snowman lamps I made from round,
glass globes, painted white and sprinkled
with glitter on the wet paint then a sealer is
sprayed to seal it all together. I couldn't find my fleece scraps
so crocheted the little scarves for them. A small set of Christmas
lights is used inside. They were both bought by the same customer.

When I painted one of these trees last year
it sold before it got to the bazaar. This year it didn't
sell but is available if someone still wants
to shop our display at the church.

I had fun painting this display.
I used my own color scheme instead of the
package suggestions.

The family that bought it planned to put it on their mantle.

This is the middle section of our table.
It was spread across the length of two long tables
so hard to get a good view of it all.
We got compliments on how nice our display looked.

This is our baked goods section.
A Buttermilk Spice Bundt cake, mini loaves of
different breads, chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies
and pretzels are just a sampling.
We sold out of all the baked goods and later all
the pretzels and cookies were gone.
Dipping the pretzels and cookies in chocolate
(dark, milk chocolate and white chocolate) is a
group project for a couple of meetings. What fun!

Frank and Mack in the kitchen waiting for the lunch rush to begin.
The morning paper has their attention.
We serve hamburgers with potato salad and baked beans for $5.00
but we've been advised to raise our prices next year..
Also a hot dog with chips or with salad and beans.
It's the best money maker of the bazaar for us.
Sharon is always in charge of the kitchen and does a great job.
Mack, her husband, is always a big help too.
This was Frank's first year to be this involved.

Two characters involved in a good conversation.
They have their gloves on so are ready to handle the food.

Janice Enden and Sandy Beem are sitting behind
our table visiting as they wait for a customer.

Caroline is in front of the kitchen window poised to take orders
and hand through to Frank. Caroline did a great job.

It was a tiring day but one of the most successful bazaars we've had to date.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ashland Trip

400 Morton Street
This is where I lived from 1956 to 1960.
The red screen door is something new since then.
This house is just a few blocks from my high school
so I was able to walk to school each
day.....or run if I was late!

The upstairs attic window is where my room was.
I think the one on the left side.

This house is on the corner of Morton Street and Siskiyou Boulevard.
These spiders were inflated and made even more eerie because they'd
twitch and move with the wind.

Another look at the house decorated with spiders.

How about a taste of the famous Lithia water!

Shiloh didn't think it was exactly yummy!

Now it's Michele's turn for a sample.
She wasn't looking when Shiloh took her taste!

This old telephone booth was in the corner of the
dining room of the Black Sheep Restaurant
where we had lunch.

This duck is enjoying a swim in the pond in Lithia Park.
This is the same pond where Richard
used to go to float his boats.

Alice, Michele and Shiloh walking on the other
side of the pond.

The trees were beautiful fall colors.

Here I am sitting on a rock near the creek in the park.

This deer was grazing in front of a house located just outside
the park boundary. Another deer was nearby
but doesn't show up in the picture.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Wonderful Day with the Grandchildren

On September 27, 2008, we set out on BART from the
Fremont station about noon headed for San Francisco...

...and arrived at the Embarcadero Station about an hour or so later.

An unusual art display at the BART station.

Then we walked and walked to Pier 39.

A bush that is not just a bush.

This man was having fun jumping out of his portable bush
and scaring people when they walked by.
Seeing this was Spencer's favorite part of the day.

This large globe was displayed near the Farmer's Market.
We saw it as we walked toward the Piers.

This picture was taken near Fisherman's Wharf.

When you're six it's important
to sit on each one just to check them out!
After all it is a lot of fun too.

This is an interesting display from the aquarium at Fisherman's Wharf.

Wow, fish have teeth too! What a jawbone.

Not quite the comforts of home but
an acceptable alternative at a necessary time.

Waiting for our turn to ride the Cable Car.
Is that it in the background?
Look at the line of people still waiting.

Here we go! How exciting taking turns
standing and holding on to the pole.

That chocolate looks and smells so good as they are making it.

You can almost taste it as you watch!

And the hot chocolate tastes so good out here in the cold wind.

What a day. We had a wonderful time and made a special memory.