A scene between Sutherlin and Reedsport.

Winchester Bay Inn where we spent the first night.

Looking from our motel toward the town.
Much has changed since Daddy spent so much time there.

This Fifth Wheel is now the office.
It is parked in the spot Daddy always used
but is closer to the fence.

Another view of the office unit.

A bit of lawn where Daddy parked his "summer home".

The oyster beds. Looking out over
the harbor from "Chicken Hill."

Umpqua River Lighthouse.
The Coast Guard housing is on the same
grounds so no visitors are allowed.

A close up of Frank at the lighthouse.

A peaceful view of fishing boats at rest.

More boats.

We stopped here on the way to Lincoln City.

We weren't able to get a good view of the
lighthouse but behind us was this unusual bridge.

Bob and Betty Hough the morning we left.
Thanks for your hospitality!